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Beautiful Feet Ministries


Beautiful Feet is a newly formed ministry here at WCC. This ministry 

is committed to providing a new pair of shoes for every Morgan County Elementary age kid.  We are committed to putting a smile on a kid's face and sharing the love of Christ with our Community.  Nathaniel and Courtney Bolin are the Leaders of this wonderful ministry. They both have a heart to give to our community and see this ministry flourish.  Please check back for dates and upcoming events for this ministry

If you would like to donate brand new shoes (Elementary sizes ONLY) please contact the Church office 606-743-3580 between 8AM to 5PM

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Beutiful Feet -- Kid Smiling--brilliant light.png
Beutiful Feet -- Kid Smiling--brilliant light.png

Beautiful Feet Leaders 


Nathaniel & Courtney Bolin


Beautiful Feet is committed to providing a pair of shoes for every elementary age kid in Morgan County, KY.  We will do this twice per school year. Once in the fall, then again, in the spring.  If you have any questions or would like to donate. 

Please contact our church office @ 606-743-3580

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