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Before the 1940s, the Woodsbend Community had no official meeting house or church building. all of that changed in 1942 when Uncle Johnny May contacted the Kentucky Mountain Holiness Association in Breathitt County and asked them for help establishing a church. Soon after this, workers from the Association came to Woodsbend to serve in the community and hold services in the old Flatwoods schoolhouse.


Construction of a church building began with the arrival of our first permanent pastoral couple, Rev. Glen and Mae Desjardins (1946-1960). Services were first held in the basement of the church-to-be with weekly prayer meetings in the homes. The church was paid for almost block by block with every family (including the children) helping to give.


Following the DesJardins, our pastors and their wives have been: Rev. James and Betty Allen (1960-1965), Reverend Carl and Sophie Faulkner (1965-1972), Rev. Robert and Rachel Stilson (1972-1997), Rev. William "Bud" and Brenda Angus (1997-2013), Rev. Ross and Brittany Foley (2013-2018), and Rev. Jason and Tammi Moore (2018- present)


We stand today on the shoulders of countless men and women who have gone before us and made many sacrifices on our behalf. May God enable us to continue to carry the torch of their faith and love to reach the present and future generations of this world for Jesus Christ.

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Below are WCC's Statement of Faith


 We are striving to make God real by becoming an effective church. Our desire is to accomplish "The Great Commission" in Matthew 28:16-20. We are imperfect people finding perfect hope in the person of Jesus Christ. We hope that you will visit us and walk away feeling loved and accepted.  Building relationship with God first and then each other.  It's all about Jesus !!


We believe in one God, self-existent in three persons, coequal and coeternal: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, fully God and fully Man. WE believe in His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His sacrificial death by crucifixion for actual and original sin, His bodily resurrection, and His ascension into heaven, from, where we wait for His return in power and glory.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, Third person of the Trinity, who is at work in the world and in the lives of every true believer.

We believe the Scriptures are the very Word of God, fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, and the sole authority for the doctrine and life.

We believe that Christ's atonement was provided for all mankind, and any who repent and believe on Him are justified from the guilt of sin and born again as a child of God.

We believe that Adam's sin resulted in corruption or the nature of every man and woman. We believe that this corruption inclines us to evil, and that the Holy Spirit by faith and by the blood of Christ, cleanse the heart from this sinful nature and fills us with the love of God.

We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just, who shall enter into eternal life, and the unjust, into eternal punishment.


We are a community of believers whose purpose is to strengthen Christian love, deepen the spiritual life and equip the church for ministry to others, regardless of their ethnicity or social standing.

The foundation of our church is the Bible an the principle that it teaches us to observe as shown to us by the Holy Spirit who will guide us into all truth.

It is the obligation of this church to evangelize, not only our immediate area, but also to do our part in reaching the world with the message of God's love and full salvation as commanded by our Savior, Jesus Christ


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