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WCC Leadership Team


Meet The Team


SR Pastor
Jason Moore

Pastor Jason and Tammi Moore and their two boys Jayden and Preston. Came to Woodsbend on December 9,2018. Pastor Jason has about 16 years of ministry experience in various positions within different churches around Kentucky. Jason and his wife Tammi both grew up in Northern Kentucky. Jason grew up on a farm in Hebron KY. Where he lived in a Historical Registered Home with his parents located near the Ohio River. Tammi grew up in a beautiful home in Erlanger, KY. Jason and Tammi were married in June, 1996. 

 After 17 years of marriage and lots of prayers for children. The Lord gave a gift to Jason and Tammi in October,2014. They were blessed to adopt two precious boys Jayden and Preston when they were 4 and 5 years old. The boys lived with the Moore's since May of 2013 prior to their adoption. Since becoming a family the Lord has blessed them in many ways. 

 Pastor Jason has a heart to lead WCC in becoming a church that makes a lasting impact in the lives of those within the community and surrounding areas. He strongly believes that church is all about relationship "NOT" religion.

  Pastor Jason's wife Tammi has a heart for missions and for children. She is currently leading Children's Church. She is teaching the kids the importance of a relatonship with our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.


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Music Director/ Sound Director

Tim and Linda Thurston

Tim & Linda Thurston and family came to Woodsbend Community Church close to a year ago. Tim has over 40 years of music experience and has served many churches as worship leader. Woodsbend Community Church is blessed to have them serving our church and overseeing our music department. Tim has a Master of Ministry from Mount Veron Nazarene University.  He has served many churches from Texas, Oregon, Washington State, and Ohio. He also, served the Lord in the role of Executive Pastor of a church of approximately 2,000 people. Tim continued to follow his passion for music and present Jesus to those in the music business, as he played professionally with some consistency since he turned 16. Tim continues to study the Word of God and each day to allow myself to be guided by the Holy Spirit. Tim and his wife Linda have been a blessing to Woodsbend and we pray for many years to come. 

WCC's board members

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John Jacob Johnson II

Peggy D Powers

Debbie Horton


Courtney R Bolin


Youth Director

Darlon Sojak

Darlon Sojak came to Woodsbend in 2023.  Darlon grew up on a family farm specializing in produce, but as an adult was a practicing attorney in Texas for over two decades.  However, he now prefers riding a tractor, tearing down an engine, or working on the homestead he shares with his wife, two sons, and daughter.  Darlon has a passion for delving into the myriad of stories, lessons, and parables set forth by Biblical prophets and Jesus to search out the truth as it related to those in the past and to us today.  His goal is to teach life lessons through a Biblical lens, and to prove that the Word of God is both relevant and alive.  As a Christian he has found that one of the best ways to build a relationship with God is through the understanding of His word.  One of his favorite sayings is that, “God’s not boring.” and he strives to prove it to our youth through each lesson.

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Children's Directors

Corey and Ariel Meister

Corey and Ariel Meister moved to the area and joined Woodsbend Community Church a little over a year ago. They have been in church leadership as small group leaders as well as children's department directors in the past. Both were raised in church and have a committed relationship with Christ. They have 5 children: Colby-12, Carter-9, Cullen-7, Clay-4, and Alina-3 months. They both have a passion for guiding children to a relationship with their Heavenly father and have followed that passion in children's church, sports coaching, mission trips, foster care and more. They are happy to continue growing the Mustard Seeds Ministry and are excited to see where God leads this church and community through its smallest members!  

Becky Goble
Church Administrator


LeAnn Spradling

Building Fund Treasure


Susie Blevins
Church Treasure

WCC Eldership Team

David Leach

David Fugate


Marilyn Gunnell

Tim Thurston

WCC Is a church that is on the move

WCC stands on Jeremiah 29: 11

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

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